Being that I do my nails so many times a week and I usually like experimenting with different colors dark and light alike, my nails get stained. You can help avoid it a bit by always using a base coat which I always use but eventually, it doesn't matter. Eventually if you don't let your nails rest without polish, your nails will get stained. Mine are no different. So I always try to whiten them before I paint them again. To do this I started to do research and also took some tips from my Dad. Just as in any whitening toothpaste you will find baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. I figured it can't hurt to try this method. What you do is put baking soda into a little bowl and then add a little bit of hydrogen peroxide enough to make a paste with the mix. I then take the paste and rub it into my nails. I make sure to cover my nails completely on the top of my nails and on the under part of the nails. This will help the stain get removed from both areas. I take a nail brush and begin to brush the paste and I do this for about 5 minutes for each nail to make sure that I get enough of the mixture into my nails. For a boost of whitening-- you can add lemon juice. I usually just put the juice that comes in that little bottle that looks like a lemon but if you have a real lemon, that works as well. I honestly am not sure if one works better than the other so I just stick to the lemon juice in a bottle since I can preserve it better.
After this I soak my nails in the mixture for a little while longer and then I rinse. I usually do this right in the shower just so that if I make a mess its in the bathtub. I try to do this every time I remove my nail polish and before I do anything else to my nals. Maybe once every 2-3 months I will buff my nails with a very fine buffer. I do not like to do that all the time because it will make your nails weak since you are making them thinner. If you have nails that constantly break-- I would say that buffing them isn't an option. I don't recommend this at all. Another tip to making your nails strong is taking Biotin which will not only help your nails grow but its also for your skin and hair so its an all around beauty vitamin.
If you don't have really bad set in stains but you noticed that after you painted your nails
red or some other dark color and your nails got a bit stained, I recommend try first with whitening toothpaste. You can just squeeze out enough toothpaste to coat your nails and then take a nail brush and brush the toothpaste in while it foams, let it sit there for about 10-15 minutes. This should remove new stains that haven't really set in and were caused by just using a dark color. For something more serious like me, you may need to try the baking soda/peroxide mixture.
Do you have any tips to get your nails white? I would love to hear if there are different things that work. Let me know, I am always willing to try new things.
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