I first heard of this on +Sephora's YouTube channel. I like a lot of +Clarins' products even though I don't purchase them. Meaning I usually get samples and they are really good. I saw this on the YouTube channel and I figured I'd buy it since I usually self tan my body but never my face because I am always afraid of turning orange or something. I saw this on Youtube and it was an older woman who was advertising this product. This automatically made me think it was a great product. I figured it wasn't going to turn me orange or anything like that so I would be good to go. I saw that it retails at $30 but Sephora was having their 15% off for VIBRouge members. I picked it up once it was on sale. I got my package and I saw how small the bottle was, immediately I thought I'd bring it back to Sephora to get my money back but you use 3 drops so there is a lot of product. Also, once you get the color you want, you can lower 3 drops to 1 or 2 just to maintain.
The way that you should apply this is adding 3 drops into your moisturizer and then smooth onto your face, neck and chest. I make sure that I have the whole area covered because even though the color isn't crazy pigmented and you won't go from Casper to +Tyra Banks with one application but I like to make sure its even. This does give you color. It is a hue and its just the right amount of color that makes you look like you are healthy and not dull and drab from these last 5 months of Winter. I even found myself one day not even putting on bronzer which for me is a rarity.

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