Sunscreens.. why this is needed ASAP
Summer time is starting to arrive here in NYC. We had great weather during Memorial Day Weekend and we are finally getting 80 degree weather. I wonder if it will drop drastically again! Womp Womp-- I hope not!! But now that we are in the summer months I figured it can't hurt to talk about sunscreen. I know a lot of you say "Well I use sunscreen when I go to the beach or when I lay out" that doesn't really help all that much. Imagine lets say you go out to the beach once a week even if you do it two times a week (Saturday and Sunday) in one month thats 8 times a week. Thats not that much time considering you probably go outside for longer periods of time when you are not at the beach or pool. This means when you go to work or when you are out running errands basically anytime you are not inside in a room without windows you are being exposed to sunlight. You need to make sure that you are protecting your skin all of those times as well.
A lot of my friends come to me on a daily basis and ask me questions about makeup or my nails or why my skin looks so good or what they should do for their hair or if they have a specific beauty concern. If I am asked anything makeup or skincare related I immediately ask them their skincare routine. I need to know that they are taking care of their skin because doesn't matter what type of makeup they buy, if your skin looks like crap, sorry to say but the rest of your routine will look like crap. I have noticed with a lot of my friends and family that sunscreen isn't a priority at all. They don't even mention it in their routine among other things they don't mention like moisturizer or toner or night creams. But back to the sunscreen, a lot of people think they only need sunscreen when they lay out in the sun or that they don't like sunscreen because its too thick and it will make their already oily skin, more oily. OMG this gets me so frustrated!!! There are many different types of sunscreens that you can get. Yes you have your regular +Banana Boat brand that is great for when you go out to the beach or pool because these are usually long wearing and waterproof which is a good thing. There are different brands mostly skincare brands that have face sunscreen and not the kind you use when you go to the beach but skincare ones. All you really need to do is read the labels, you will notice that a lot of the BB creams have SPF in them. Now a days a lot of foundation has SPF. I personally fell in love with a tinted moisturizer so basically it is a "two birds with one stone" type of product. I've mentioned it before here but its the Coola Face SPF 20 Rose Essence Tint this stuff even for oily skin is great. It gives me SPF 20 and it is also a tinted moisturizer which also leave your skin smooth if you wanted to use this as your primer. I have to say that I love this stuff. I still recommend this moisturizer and you still get the sunscreen you need for your daily routine.
I guess what I am trying to get at here is that you need need need need need sunscreen and there are many different types of sunscreens out there. You can get oil free ones so that it doesn't make your skin oily. You can get tinted ones so that you don't have to add on an extra layer of product on your face. There are a bunch of different sunscreens out there.I recommend you go to +Sephora , drugstore or a department store and ask them to recommend a sunscreen for you to integrate to your daily routine. Just give them facts, whether you are someone who wears makeup and you basically want to put it under your makeup or if you just want to only wear that. Let them know if you have sensitive skin or if you break out easily, more information is always key.
Let me know what sunscreens you use? Do you have any that are a staple in your daily routine? Maybe you swear by one when you are laying out in the sun? Let me know I would love to try them!
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