Sunday, April 27, 2014

Oil Pulling for Better Health?!

Have you heard of oil pulling? I feel like this is a new craze that I started hearing and reading about so I looked into it further. I saw that there were many benefits not only for bacterias in the mouth but also further than that. The oil while in your mouth is suppose to be able to take the toxins from your mouth so that they do not go into your system. So less bacteria means less bad stuff in your system. This would help with bad breathe and over all teeth health. But again, since this is taking out the bacteria it will make you healthier. The oil has lipids that are able to pull out the germs. They say that doing this regularly meaning once a day, I think would be a good time. This would help the overall health of your teeth and gums, it will help prevent cavities since all the germs are getting removed there is nothing that will be left build up. It also helps with the dryness of your lips and your throat. This would be great to do especially in the colder months when everything is naturally dryer. I saw that you can basically use any type of oils and that for more of a beginner you can use coconut oil. Since I had coconut oil already, I decided to start with that. Its a bit weird since the coconut oil usually is in a harden form until it hits your mouth and the heat of your mouth melts it instantly. Once you swish it around your mouth, try to keep it as long as possible, swishing it around in your mouth making sure it goes through the entirety of your mouth. I started at 5 minutes and then built up to 10 minutes. Once the oil gets a bit thick in your mouth, its time to spit it out because you want to make sure that you don't over do it because your body can absorb the germs again. This is key which is why I recommend 10 mins MAX.

I use coconut oil but after reading around, I have seen that sesame oil is better so I will probably move towards the sesame oil so that I can get all the benefits. I have been seeing that my teeth are whiter. Not sure if this is because of the oil pulling but I had slacked a bit and then got sick right away. Once I went back on track with doing this every night, I felt better right away. Again, I do not know if this is all because of the oil pulling but I will try this for another 6 months and if I see differences for for the other detoxifying benefits like headache relief, hormone balancing, reducing eczema, sinus congestion and hangover relief etc I would definitely continue doing this. I think it can't hurt to try it. 

Do you have any ancient remedies that you use and actually work? Let me know.

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