The product is called Dr Brandt Collagen Booster and this is a serum with concentrated amounts of age fighting amino acids. This is the key component to anti-aging. This customized blend goes into your skin and it helps to stop the loss of collagen in your skin. Not only does it stop the loss of collagen but it also helps produce more collagen. This will increase elasticity in your skin which will ultimately minimize the appearance of wrinkles. Everything in the product screams 'HELL YEA I WANT THAT' and I was all for making sure to use it in my daily routine asap. Woman that has used this said that after 4 weeks they already saw improvement in their skin's resilience and the elasticity. Now for all of you out there that aren't anti-aging obsessed like I am-- elasticity is that something you have in your skin when you are a teenager. When you skin was just nice and plump. You know when you see a baby's face-- there are no lines and its just all gorgeous? That is what elasticity. It makes your skin plump so that wrinkles don't have enough time to sink in. Therefore, the more elasticity you have in your skin, the less wrinkles you have.
I've been using this on and off for about 4 months now and I love it.I go on and off of it
because I just have so many different products and I want to make sure that I use everything before they all expire. This one I've noticed usually makes my skin glow. My skin feels very soft in the mornings and its just very youthful looking. And I can say that after a couple of weeks of not using it, when I went back to it, I saw results immediately. I am not sure if my skin just gets used to it after 2 weeks which is probably why I went on to something else but this stuff is amazing. It retails for about $78 in +Sephora which is a pretty penny and I honestly understand those who do not want to spend that much money on a serum but if you do splurge, I'd try to see if you can get it on another website like SkinStore which you can usually find coupons for like 20% off and then you can at least get a little bit of a discount. Or you can always go to Sephora and ask them for a sample of it and there at least you can try it and see if you like it and if you can see a difference.
Do you have an anti-aging product that you swear by? I'd love to hear about it! Let me know in the comments below.
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